I started my first business as a kid with a caterpillar club (I’d charge kids in my neighborhood money or sweets to hold them - I know genius) and fast forward to now I’m
the director of 6 companies, have a property portfolio of over £4M and 12 years teaching experience. I’ve always had the business bug. But my journey hasn’t always been easy… Far from it! My lowest point, was when I got ripped off VERY badly by my “business partner” in [2013.] I nearly lost everything. For a while I was one bill away from bankruptcy. It still makes me shudder just thinking about it...
I got back on my feet, and undeterred I opened up another business, and it seemed like I had hit my stride again because it grew...And grew and grew.
It got to the point where I needed to employ staff, but 2 things were wrong.